

StopWorldControl.comからのメッセージ(12/15)~by David Sorensen

注:StopWorldControl.comからのメッセージ(12/13)~by David Sorensen に続くメッセージです。DeepL翻訳ですが、あれ?と思うところは原文を参照してください(^-^;























バーチャルリアリティにリアルはない。ソーシャルディスタンスに社会的なものがないのと同じように。この犯罪者たちは、常に言葉で欺瞞を作り出します。「バーチャルリアリティ」と言うのは、「氷のように冷たい炎」や「愛すべき憎しみ」と言うのと同じことです。まったくナンセンスです。バーチャルリアリティは、100%偽物で、現実とは正反対のものです。 嘘の世界、それは人々を吸い寄せ、彼らから現実を奪っていきます。

























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Help us fight for the freedom of humanity! - Stop World Control















Help us fight for the freedom of humanity! - Stop World Control



😃👍🏼⭐️ How evil is turned around for GOOD!

Dear Friends for Freedom,

in my last encouraging text message from two days ago, I quoted a very promising and fascinating statement that had been sent to me by several different people. As I said: this rarely happens, so I knew I had to pay attention.

Because I get hundreds of messages every day, I didn’t memorize the reference, yet many of you asked me for it.

Well, here it is: Psalms 9:15-16

It speaks about how the judgment over the wicked is the fact that they are ensnared in their own snares.

‘The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.’

‘The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.’

In my previous email I showed how true this is: the internet was set up to control humanity, yet it is effectively liberating humanity.

Social media was built to spy on every person on earth, yet it is used to cause the greatest awakening of all time.

The toxic medical experiments are intended to enslave every soul to never ending series of booster shots, yet they are alerting hundreds of millions - and soon billions - to the criminal nature of governments, health agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Censorship tries to silence the voice of scientists and physicians worldwide, but it is causing volcanoes of truth to erupt worldwide.

The new imposed tyranny is shocking all intelligent humans wide awake, causing the systems of slavery of humanity which have always been in place (only most never noticed it, as it was more subtle) to be exposed, which will lead to mass deliverance of our world.

In short: everything these insane psychopats are plotting, is massively turning against them and will led to the exact opposite of what they are hoping. Instead of total slavery of all of humanity, it is causing the greatest mass deliverance of all time, and this will only increase.

The eyes have been opened and there’s no shutting a truly awakened mind.

Another example: Facebook has become META, which introduces a horrible, life-less, artificial dimension that will cause mental illness, relational conflict, loneliness, depression and other disasters on the human soul, more than ever before. None of us is created to live in a fake, digital world that only exists when we press a button in our brain, but that alienates us from reality.

We are born to enjoy the REAL world, true friendship, genuine relationships, heart to heart interaction with other humans, experience deep love that fills, strengthens and establishes our soul, and so on.

We are made to hug one another, feel one another, touch one another, see each other’s eyes, and touch the soul of the ones we love with our deepest inner being, so we feel connected valued, safe and cherished.

We are born to sense the fresh air, breath in the breeze of the wind, enjoy the cool of the night and be thrilled by the blazing sunlight.

None of is born to live in a world of lies, deception, mind control and virtual reality.

There is nothing real about virtual reality. Just like there is nothing social about social distancing. These criminals always create deception with words. Saying ‘virtual reality’ is the same as saying ‘icy cold fire’, or ‘loving hatred’. It’s total nonsense. Virtual reality is 100% fake, the opposite of reality. A worlds of lies, that sucks people in, and steals reality from them.

Millions are addicted to video games because they yearn for more than the dead, meaningless citylife that is offered to them. Always being locked into their stone prisons, called ‘homes’ where they have no meaning, no adventure, no challenge. But man wasn’t born to be couch potatoes enclosed by stone walls, in concrete cities, void of life. Man is born to be surrounded by life, animals, seasons, challenges, adventures, and everything that fills our soul with sheer LIFE.

META is the new virtual reality of Mark Zuckerberg and the insane criminals behind him, that is intended to enslave humanity even more to the death grip of suffocating technology that steals true joy, true intimacy, true relationships and true life, by offering a fake realm, made out of digital code, instead of living atoms.

But real flowers can never be replaced by fake digital images. Butterflies, birds, even the buzzing of the bugs, can never be replaced by the dead, fake lies of a virtual world, where nothing is real.

Escaping a purposeless existence to seek meaning in even more fakery, will not satisfy humanity.

All this lead will to humanity turning back to the roots of true life in nature.

I believe META will be used to kickstart the opposite of what it is intended for. It will show the world how we need to eeturn to basic, organic, true, genuine, God given life.

What we see now, with the lockdowns, food shortages, and the other chaos going on, is that people all over the world return to being a small local community.

Being slaves of a consumer oriented city-based system, kills the life in us, and innumerable people will shift back to a more basic, God-made form of life, where we grow our own food, help our neighbors, serve our communities and share love with one another.

Remember this: man was not created in a big city. The Book of Origins - Genesis - shows that man was created in a garden and was given the authority to make it a paradise.

Farmers - the good ones that don’t destroy the earth, but cherish it and cause it to flourish - are the closest to the first created man ever.

Humans are made for the earth, to learn, discover, value cherish, love and protect the earth, so it is a source of LIFE for all who dwell on it.

The wicked have stolen most of that and caused humans to be disconnected from the world we are born in, by focusing us on fake movies, lying media, poisonous ‘health’ care, and toxic food, that causes most disease in our time.

But I see a change coming where the basics of true life will be valued again

So let Sucker and his allies try to enslave humanity to false worlds, that have no life in them. God will use it for good, as He always does, and it will create an unquenchable yearning in the good people to return to what is REAL.

When I am in the city, I yearn back to my mountain home, where we have fresh air, open space, animals around us, and kids that can play safely. We are surrounded with LIFE!

Seeing what is created by evil, makes us go back to what is good.

So I believe this verse is true.

The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.

The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.

I truly believe this current crisis offers tremendous opportunity to ALL OF US - you and me and everyone who is aware and awake, to learn so much, that will benefit ourselves for the rest of our lives, our children, friends, and communities.

We are the first of a new breed that will no longer say ‘YES’ to the crimes of governments and wicked agencies that claim to ‘help’ us.

The warriors of the GOOD SIDE are rising, more than ever and this cannot be stopped, as it is led by the Great and Higher Force that is way above all.

Throughout the ages, I believe we will see more and more awakening, healing, restoration and a better world.

But note: it will not be easy. Sometimes we have to walk through the dark, in order to see the light. That goes very much for most of us. We need to see evil expressed in its fullness before we understand how badly we need to return to what is GOOD.

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Much more abut this will be revealed in the future. Right now I am focussing on translating dozens of videos into dozens of languages, which results in hundreds of videos.

I need help with this, so if you can donate to this work, so I can hire good staff, then please, by all means do so.

Help us fight for the freedom of humanity! - Stop World Control

Stand with me please, as the best content of Stop World Control is slowly but steady being translated into the major languages of the world, so the majority of humanity will have the opportunity yo see truth.

Your prayers are absolutely essential, so please keep me in prayer. And if you are able to: please make a donation, so I can hire staff to help me finish the hundreds of videos, that I am working on.

I you don’t hear from me for a while, you know I am working my butt off, for you and the world.

Pray for me please. Declare the judgment of the Almighty over the wicked and their allies, and declare blessings, freedom and restoration over this world and its deeply beloved humans, that are so deceived, that they have no clue what they are doing.

But we can open their eyes if we don’t give up.

Stand with me please.

We only just got started.

Together we will win.

Don’t be divided based on beliefs, opinions, traditions, cultures or religions.

Let’s all be people who love truth, the Giver of Life, this world and the children. Let’s all build together instead of fight one another, while the bad guys are trying to take over the world.

Be united in love that is greater than all differences.

We are all on a journey and stuff we believe now, will crumble later as we grow in truth, yet true love remains forever.

David Sorensen

Again: if you are able to help me with the monumental task of creating hundreds of videos in many languages, then please do so. Thank you so much.

Help us fight for the freedom of humanity! - Stop World Control